Sunday 11 May 2014


The last few days I have been making my final jacket and skirt. I started with cutting out the pattern pieces. Firstly with my jacket I need 8 small semicircles and then 3 larger semicircles. I cut these out onto my sheer printed fabric it was a little bit difficult because of the fabric being sheer it kept moving, but I cut them out fine I just had to be careful. Then similarly to the way I made my prototype I placed the pattern pieces of the pieces of the jacket and then pinned them together that way. I found this difficult because I didn't have a manikin at home and I was unable to go into uni to use one. So I made do, but I pinned it all together successfully it just took me a lot longer and was a little bit fiddly trying to match hop the correct pieces. So I sewed this together and like in the making of my toile I made a tunnel for the boning. Then I attached it to the jacket after I had inserted the darts which were straight forward. The only real problem I had with sewing the the jacket together was when I sewed the fabric would pucker slightly because it's such a thin and sheer fabric. Also I had difficulty choosing what colour thread to use, because the print is multi coloured and practically every pattern piece is a different colour, I tried red, orange, black and then finally a light grey. The red and black where the most noticeable and the orange worked well so I used that for most of the back which contained a majority of the red, yellow and orange colours, then for the rest of it I used the light grey as this was the least noticeable. I attached the sleeves the jacket after I had added in the front sections. 

So with the jacket all sewn together it was time to add in the boning. I added in the boning and cut the pieces the correct size. However it didn't work the same way it worked with my toile. This was because of the fabric being so thin that the wait of the boning just weighed it down and actually making the jack sag. This was very frustrating and stressful because I was stuck and with the jacket m=being the main feature I did know what to do. I tried pinning it in different ways, but none of these ways worked and I was stuck. Yet after speaking to my parents and telling them of my predicament, they suggested using gardening wire. Luckily we had some in a dark green colour, so I tested it out and it worked so well, I was really pleased that I got past this issue because I was begging to give up and rethink my idea. So I inserted the gardening wire and it gave the jacket a much better looking shape and actually was closer to my designs shape than my prototype was. 

By this point it was quite late so before I went to bed I quickly made the ruffle for the bottom of my skirt, this really quick to make and gave me now problems. I wanted to make that because tomorrow I plan on buying the rest of the fabric for the skirt. 

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