Tuesday 13 May 2014


Today I feel a lot better about my final garments. I think this is due to the fact that I was able to place them on a manikin and therefore see how they would look and I believe that visually they look interesting so I am pleased. However I had identified that the finishing on them is poor such as there are many loose threads and I need to hem the edges as every edge is raw and is fraying considerably. 

So by identifying the finishing touches that I needed to do I began by fixing the structure of the back simply just by ensuring that the wire was creating the correct shape. After this I wanted to resew some of my seams, just to neaten them up. However once I tried using the sewing machine I faced many problems such as it didn't have a needle in it I also was missing a bobbin and bobbin case which is incredibly frustrating however after asking around I finally managed to source these things, yet after setting up the machine correctly and checking it, it still didn't work. I found this incredibly frustrating as I had to wait until I got home in order to use a machine that works. 

Therefore I decided to carry on with my knitting, this is a time consuming activity as I have never knitted as much as this before so it is taking quite a while but so far I have found no problems with this and I plan to sew this onto my sleeves once I have a working sewing machine and then my garment will basically be finished. Although I still need to do the finishes such as hems but I think these can wait until my photo shoot as I am planning on doing my photo shoot tomorrow, therefore I won't need my garments to be perfectly finished as the finishing touches won't be that noticeable on my shoot. Especially with what I have planned which consists of blurring the images and distorting them to go with my theme and to exaggerate the translucent effects had been looking into.
Furthermore once I got home I carried on with my knitting and measured it I wanted it to be 50cm in length as I would then cut this in half to create two 25cm cuffs. I did it this way as apposed to knitting two separate cuffs because it saved me time, not a lot of time but instead of stopping and starting a new knit I was able to just carry on with the same knit. 

Before cutting my knit in half I cut the excess fabric off the sleeves, that being 25cm which I would be replaced with the knit. I know that his wasted fabric however I had planned on stitching the knit on top of the fabric but I actually opted against this because I knew I would struggle with sewing it on and it would look messy, therefore this way I am able to attach the knit more neatly and it will also hold better. 

Henceforth after cutting my knit I sewed the edges together creating a seam on the outside and a cuff. It was a lot easier than I expected to sew the knit as I had anticipated for the knit to get caught in the machines teeth, yet it did not. However some loops in the knit did get tangled around the foot, but this was easily solvable.

So after the knitted cuffs were attached I was was finished, all I had to do was cut the loose threads and then hem the edges of the jacket and the skirt. I don't particularly like hemming as I find it difficult and fiddly. However I noticed that my home machine came with a hemming foot. So I used this, by using this foot I was able to hem my garments very quickly without using pins and also it was a lot neater looking than I had imagined. So after hemming my garments, they were ready for the photo shoot tomorrow. 

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