Thursday 15 May 2014


Today is the last teaching day as next week I have to prepare everything for mounting my board before the deadline. I mostly spent the day editing my photographs from yesterday as this is the last thing I have to do as my sketchbook is all finished I just need to add in my final images and then its finished.

I looked through my photographs and chose four of my favourite then taking one of them I edited it in a variety of different ways, such as blurring, adjusting the colours and saturation's, manipulating the image and finally overlaying a different image on top. My favourites are the blurred image the one where I had overlaid and image of glitter on top. These two both represent my garments and project well. but after asking different tutors and peers they helped me to decide how I should edit them. I decided on the one with the glitter. I feel that this one probably refers back to my earlier research a lot better as the shiny elements exaggerate the dreams aspect. Where as the blurred one was really interesting to look at it is difficult to see what the garment actually looks like, and I want my garments to be the main focus point as they reflect my project as a whole.

I then edited the other photos in this way, but whilst editing I noticed that two of my images are actually very similar, so I decided to not use it as it wasn't adding anything to my work. The final three images I am really pleased with I think they all portray my project well and they showcase the garments beautifully and they are also really aesthetically pleasing and interesting to look at. So with this final part to my project I am really happy how it has turned out.

Later on speaking to my tutor I wanted to ask her if she liked them and also who I should present them onto my board. She really liked them and we discussed both of our favourite images and in the end we both decided that the image where my model wheres the matte PVC over her face is the best. I then said that I thought about just having this one image mounted onto my board and she agreed. I then printed out this image in A1 and was really pleased with the results, but I also printed my second favourite image out in A1 just in case there were any sudden changes. As well as this when I was printing I printed my three images out on acetate to see what they would look like and although very interesting to look at, they weren't as strong as my final image.

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