Monday 5 May 2014


This weekend has been incredibly busy as I have been working continuously to get all of my design developments done and also to finish a final design because tomorrow in my plan is the beginning of making week which includes creating a toile and finishing the final garment. So things will be incredibly stressful as I have a lot to do which will take a lot of time and effort. 

However over the weekend I feel that I worked the best that I ever have. Well for most of the weekend. Friday and Saturday were very slow days as I was extremely tired from the week before and I felt very demotivated. However on Sunday I began to work more efficiently identifying what I needed to do and planning out all of the things I needed to do in order to get to my final design. 

On Sunday night I planned out everything I needed to do on Monday as there were several things I had to complete. Whilst writing out the plan I also decided how long I wanted to spend on each task. Most we're about one hour however the final task which was digitally editing my designs I had planned for that to take three hours.
I did this because I had to get everything done before Tuesday and I couldn't be wasting time. I also wanted to have the timer so I would work faster because in the past my tutor has mentioned that I work slowly. 

So Monday was when most of the work took place. I had about 8 hours of work to get through and I knew that I would most likely over run because in my plan I hadn't factored in issues I may face or even breaks. 

The first thing I wanted to do was to develop the disassembling idea and begin to design with my knit samples. I wanted to do this so I could combine to distorted body designs with my knits and disassembling ideas. 
To start off this designing I wanted to have two pages that acted as inspiration for the disassembling. These pages would mainly feature work from earlier on in my sketchbook as well as contextual references and samples. However I started having technical difficulties as my laptop could not connect to the scanner and then when I had resolved this issue by using a different computer and transferring my work via memory stick. However when I wanted to print from my laptop the printer wouldn't work. So as a starting point I got off to a bad start. I then decided I would return back to these pages as I could design without them being finished because all of the reference points I needed were on my laptop therefore I used this to help.
The next thing I did was I started designing over 50 Quick designs inspired by my disassembling developments. These took me about an hour to do which was good because I had planned to only take an hour on them. After that I wanted to develop these further by designing again another 50 designs that were a bit more refined and showed my ideas more clearly and pushed them further. At he beginning of this I was working quite slowly however with the timer going I was able to monitor how slowly I worked which allowed me to push myself and work more quickly and efficiently. I did spend more time than I had anticipated on this task about 20 minutes more which isn't so bad as I obviously anticipated a time that was unrealistic. Yet by doing this I did work very quickly. Especially as I wasn't even halfway through the day and I had already done a lot of work that I would usually spend a whole day doing. 

I then refined these into 8 more refined ideas that were neater and clearer I also introduced what fabrics and colours I would use, as this allows me to visualise what these garments would look like if I were to choose to make one of them. Then to develop these I wanted to combine the disassembling and hunchback idea together. Therefore I designed another 16 ideas that showed roughly how both concepts could be incorporated. As I mainly took the shape for the hunchback element but then the way I used the fabrics came from the disassembling concept. 

Following this I refined these combined designs into more developed ideas. Some ideas I really liked and could imagine making however others I disliked and I felt that they didn't represent my project theme clearly enough. Therefore with these 8 finished I developed them further and designed my final line up. I had planned to do 8 designs for this both front and side views however I realised this was very optimistic and I was actually going to run out of time and also I felt that 8 looks could have been too much. Therefore I decided on designing only 6. This way I would save a lot of time and I feel that my lineup would be better because I would 6 strong and interesting ideas compared to 8 alright ideas that weren't very exciting. 

With these six designs all drawn out I scanned them in and started to edit them on photoshop where I added in my prints and fabrics. This took me a very long time to do, mainly because there were may different things I needed to cut out and then add the different layers and adjust the settings of the layers in order for the colours to look right. So after spending many hours on this I finally finished all of them and then decided on a final design. I chose my final design because I think it incorporates all of the main concepts of my project, and would therefore sum up my ideas all together. It features inspiration from the lumpy hunchback shapes I had been focusing on. It also includes some of my knitwear which I am very eager to include. As week as this I lengthened the sleeves in order to eager ate the body shape and distort it even more. Furthermore the transparent and shimmery fabrics emphasise my dreams concept well and also work well with my chosen print with gives a really interesting aesthetic that emphasises the dreams aspect too. Furthermore the skirts fabrics where the transparent purple fabric is joined to the opaque silver fabric was inspired by the disassembling idea. 

Today went really well, I worked hard to get everything finished, I was able to work efficiently because I made a plan and followed it very closely. I'm very pleased that I got everything I needed to, as now for next week I am ready to start making my toile and final garment and now also buy fabric to print onto. 

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